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Numerical methods challenge: Day 6

During October (2017) I will write a program per day for some well-known numerical methods in both Python and Julia. It is intended to be an exercise then don't expect the code to be good enough for real use. Also, I should mention that I have almost no experience with Julia, so it probably won't be idiomatic Julia but more Python-like Julia.

Gradient descent

Today we have gradient descent method. The main idea in this method is to use the steepest direction to move from a point to a new one in the neighbourhood of a differentiable function. This is illustrated in the following image, where we can see that the steps are given perpendicular to the isocontours of the function. If we think the function as the topography of certain region, it would probably be safe to think the isocontour of the functions as the path that cows would like to walk, while the gradient direction the path for a mountain goat.

Depiction of the gradient descent method.

Mathematically, the update is written as

\begin{equation*} \mathbf{x}_k = \mathbf{x}_{k-1} - \gamma_k \nabla f(\mathbf{x_k}) \end{equation*}

where \(\gamma_k\) is the size of the kth step. Intuitively, we can see that the size of the step should decrease while we approach the extremum of the function. This is normally achieving by a line search. For gradient descent method, we could use the Barzilai-Borwein method:

\begin{equation*} \gamma_{n} = \frac{(\mathbf x_{n} - \mathbf x_{n-1})^T[\nabla f(\mathbf x_{n}) - \nabla f(\mathbf x_{n-1})]}{||\nabla f(\mathbf x_{n}) - \nabla f(\mathbf x_{n-1})||^2} \end{equation*}

We will test the method with the Rosenbrock's function

\begin{equation*} f(x_1, x_2) = (1-x_1)^2 + 100(x_2-{x_1}^2)^2 \end{equation*}

Gradient descent present some problems with this function, that is not convex. Nevertheless, if we use an initial point that is close enough to the minimum \([1, 1]\), we can achieve convergence.

Following are the codes.


from __future__ import division, print_function
from numpy import array
from numpy.linalg import norm

def grad_descent(fun, grad, x, niter=50, gtol=1e-8, verbose=False):
    msg = "Maximum number of iterations reached."
    g_old = grad(x)
    gamma = 0.1
    for cont in range(niter):
        if verbose:
            print("n: {}, x: {}, g: {}".format(cont, x, g_old))
        dx = -gamma*g_old
        x = x + dx
        g = grad(x)
        dg = g - g_old
        g_old = g
        gamma =
        if norm(g) < gtol:
            msg = "Extremum found with desired accuracy."
    return x, fun(x), msg

def rosen(x):
    return (1 - x[0])**2 + 100*(x[1] - x[0]**2)**2

def rosen_grad(x):
    return array([
        -2*(1 - x[0]) - 400*x[0]*(x[1] - x[0]**2),
        200*(x[1] - x[0]**2)])

print(grad_descent(rosen, rosen_grad, [2.0, 1.0], verbose=True))

with result

n: 0, x: [2.0, 1.0], g: [ 2402.  -600.]
n: 1, x: [-238.2   61. ], g: [ -5.40030319e+09  -1.13356480e+07]
n: 2, x: [  1.87289769  61.50393131], g: [-43446.62297136  11599.23711122]
n: 3, x: [  1.87482914  61.50341566], g: [-43485.61077531  11597.68626767]
n: 4, x: [ -0.2532018   62.07096513], g: [  6277.59251909  12401.37079452]
n: 5, x: [  1.40217916e-02   6.25988648e+01], g: [  -353.0701476   12519.73363327]
n: 6, x: [  2.98797952e-04   6.30854769e+01], g: [ -9.53932693e+00   1.26170954e+04]
n: 7, x: [  3.49096082e-03   5.88633946e+01], g: [   -84.18892291  11772.67648837]
n: 8, x: [ 0.42114221  0.46054405], g: [-48.8618897  56.6366569]
n: 9, x: [ 0.66471507  0.17821457], g: [ 69.42537577 -52.72631034]
n: 10, x: [ 0.50504193  0.29948111], g: [-9.96223909  8.88275049]
n: 11, x: [ 0.52491812  0.28175867], g: [-2.25608389  1.24392746]
n: 12, x: [ 0.53044731  0.27871006], g: [-0.37379949 -0.53285773]
n: 13, x: [ 0.53133016  0.27996858], g: [-0.43934324 -0.46863181]
n: 14, x: [ 0.53252827  0.28124656], g: [-0.4365402  -0.46795943]
n: 15, x: [ 0.75411231  0.51877873], g: [ 14.56231057  -9.98132891]
n: 16, x: [ 0.7050077   0.55243611], g: [-16.21302574  11.08005   ]
n: 17, x: [ 0.73088975  0.53474821], g: [-0.69854407  0.10967699]
n: 18, x: [ 0.73204207  0.53456728], g: [-0.14989113 -0.26366293]
n: 19, x: [ 0.73228024  0.53498623], g: [-0.16984866 -0.24962496]
n: 20, x: [ 0.73260201  0.53545913], g: [-0.16949786 -0.24931553]
n: 21, x: [ 0.93339279  0.83080364], g: [ 14.95730865  -8.08369381]
n: 22, x: [ 0.89610321  0.85095683], g: [-17.39715957   9.59117536]
n: 23, x: [ 0.91610476  0.83992984], g: [-0.41766894  0.13638094]
n: 24, x: [ 0.91659561  0.83976956], g: [-0.02823623 -0.07559088]
n: 25, x: [ 0.91662795  0.83985612], g: [-0.03817128 -0.0701336 ]
n: 26, x: [ 0.91667285  0.83993863], g: [-0.03814167 -0.07009733]
n: 27, x: [ 0.99186712  0.97813179], g: [ 2.23273615 -1.13372137]
n: 28, x: [ 0.98342663  0.98241763], g: [-6.0476644   3.05793919]
n: 29, x: [ 0.98959509  0.97929862], g: [ -2.08791162e-02   3.50119013e-05]
n: 30, x: [ 0.98961644  0.97929858], g: [-0.00409146 -0.00842531]
n: 31, x: [ 0.9896206   0.97930713], g: [-0.00421464 -0.00835884]
n: 32, x: [ 0.98963284  0.97933141], g: [-0.0042095  -0.00834897]
n: 33, x: [ 0.99991222  0.99971914], g: [ 0.04194186 -0.02106056]
n: 34, x: [ 0.99597256  1.00169739], g: [-3.88678974  1.9472097 ]
n: 35, x: [ 0.99987194  0.99974387], g: [ -2.42382231e-04  -6.86507784e-06]
n: 36, x: [ 0.99987219  0.99974388], g: [ -5.01566886e-05  -1.02746923e-04]
n: 37, x: [ 0.99987224  0.99974398], g: [ -5.10336616e-05  -1.02258276e-04]
n: 38, x: [ 0.99987255  0.99974461], g: [ -5.09073070e-05  -1.02006794e-04]
n: 39, x: [ 0.99999998  0.99999996], g: [  5.05854337e-06  -2.54465444e-06]
n: 40, x: [ 0.99998735  1.00000631], g: [-0.01266881  0.00632184]
(array([ 1.,  1.]), 7.2961338114681859e-21, 'Extremum found with desired accuracy.')


function grad_descent(fun, grad, x; niter=50, gtol=1e-8, verbose=false)
    msg = "Maximum number of iterations reached."
    g_old = grad(x)
    gamma = 0.1
    for cont = 1:niter
        if verbose
            println("n: $(cont), x: $(x), g: $(g_old)")
        dx = - gamma*g_old
        x = x + dx
        g = grad(x)
        dg = g - g_old
        g_old = g
        gamma = dx' * dg / (dg' * dg)
        if norm(g) < gtol
            msg = "Extremum found with desired accuracy."
    return x, fun(x), msg

function rosen(x)
    return (1 - x[1])^2 + 100*(x[2] - x[1]^2)^2

function rosen_grad(x)
    return [-2*(1 - x[1]) - 400*x[1]*(x[2] - x[1]^2);
            200*(x[2] - x[1]^2)]

println(grad_descent(rosen, rosen_grad, [2.0, 1.0], verbose=true))

with result

n: 1, x: [2.0, 1.0], g: [2402.0, -600.0]
n: 2, x: [-238.2, 61.0], g: [-5.4003e9, -1.13356e7]
n: 3, x: [1.8729, 61.5039], g: [-43446.6, 11599.2]
n: 4, x: [1.87483, 61.5034], g: [-43485.6, 11597.7]
n: 5, x: [-0.253202, 62.071], g: [6277.59, 12401.4]
n: 6, x: [0.0140218, 62.5989], g: [-353.07, 12519.7]
n: 7, x: [0.000298798, 63.0855], g: [-9.53933, 12617.1]
n: 8, x: [0.00349096, 58.8634], g: [-84.1889, 11772.7]
n: 9, x: [0.421142, 0.460544], g: [-48.8619, 56.6367]
n: 10, x: [0.664715, 0.178215], g: [69.4254, -52.7263]
n: 11, x: [0.505042, 0.299481], g: [-9.96224, 8.88275]
n: 12, x: [0.524918, 0.281759], g: [-2.25608, 1.24393]
n: 13, x: [0.530447, 0.27871], g: [-0.373799, -0.532858]
n: 14, x: [0.53133, 0.279969], g: [-0.439343, -0.468632]
n: 15, x: [0.532528, 0.281247], g: [-0.43654, -0.467959]
n: 16, x: [0.754112, 0.518779], g: [14.5623, -9.98133]
n: 17, x: [0.705008, 0.552436], g: [-16.213, 11.08]
n: 18, x: [0.73089, 0.534748], g: [-0.698544, 0.109677]
n: 19, x: [0.732042, 0.534567], g: [-0.149891, -0.263663]
n: 20, x: [0.73228, 0.534986], g: [-0.169849, -0.249625]
n: 21, x: [0.732602, 0.535459], g: [-0.169498, -0.249316]
n: 22, x: [0.933393, 0.830804], g: [14.9573, -8.08369]
n: 23, x: [0.896103, 0.850957], g: [-17.3972, 9.59118]
n: 24, x: [0.916105, 0.83993], g: [-0.417669, 0.136381]
n: 25, x: [0.916596, 0.83977], g: [-0.0282362, -0.0755909]
n: 26, x: [0.916628, 0.839856], g: [-0.0381713, -0.0701336]
n: 27, x: [0.916673, 0.839939], g: [-0.0381417, -0.0700973]
n: 28, x: [0.991867, 0.978132], g: [2.23274, -1.13372]
n: 29, x: [0.983427, 0.982418], g: [-6.04766, 3.05794]
n: 30, x: [0.989595, 0.979299], g: [-0.0208791, 3.50119e-5]
n: 31, x: [0.989616, 0.979299], g: [-0.00409146, -0.00842531]
n: 32, x: [0.989621, 0.979307], g: [-0.00421464, -0.00835884]
n: 33, x: [0.989633, 0.979331], g: [-0.0042095, -0.00834897]
n: 34, x: [0.999912, 0.999719], g: [0.0419419, -0.0210606]
n: 35, x: [0.995973, 1.0017], g: [-3.88679, 1.94721]
n: 36, x: [0.999872, 0.999744], g: [-0.000242382, -6.86508e-6]
n: 37, x: [0.999872, 0.999744], g: [-5.01567e-5, -0.000102747]
n: 38, x: [0.999872, 0.999744], g: [-5.10337e-5, -0.000102258]
n: 39, x: [0.999873, 0.999745], g: [-5.09073e-5, -0.000102007]
n: 40, x: [1.0, 1.0], g: [5.05854e-6, -2.54465e-6]
n: 41, x: [0.999987, 1.00001], g: [-0.0126688, 0.00632184]
([1.0, 1.0], 7.296133811468186e-21, "Root found with desired accuracy.")

Comparison Python/Julia

Regarding number of lines we have: 38 in Python and 39 in Julia. The comparison in execution time is done with %timeit magic command in IPython and @benchmark in Julia.

For Python:

%timeit grad_descent(rosen, rosen_grad, [2.0, 1.0])

with result

1000 loops, best of 3: 386 µs per loop

For Julia:

@benchmark grad_descent(rosen, rosen_grad, [2.0, 1.0])

with result

  memory estimate:  16.91 KiB
  allocs estimate:  251
  minimum time:     6.479 μs (0.00% GC)
  median time:      7.393 μs (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        13.437 μs (18.45% GC)
  maximum time:     2.029 ms (95.94% GC)
  samples:          10000
  evals/sample:     5

In this case, we can say that the Python code is roughly 50 times slower than the Julia one.


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